Friday, October 19, 2018

Carrollton - Rebuilder (Lyric Video), 2017

Rebuilding. restoring. sheltering. I have not written in awhile which is usually a no news is good news situation. My "clinical trial" medication has improved my life quite a bit for once! God has restored things that I thought were hopeless pits. Goes to show God can't be put in a box, with limitations. I am so amazed at how He does things, it's mysterious ways that I will never comprehend but I can confidently say that joy can come through pain, second chances are given out like candy, and He never breaks a promise. 

My walls were crumbling
You brought the light into the room
And filled my lungs
So I could learn to breathe
My shelter
My warmth in the coldest night
My helper
You held me up till I could stand
On the promise that You are
Rebuilding me, oh you promise

that you are rebuilding me- carrollton

 I am being schooled in trust with reality checks. I was reminded today that my disease is far from gone and I have pushed myself way too much in the last couple of weeks, pretending I was healthy and pushing my limits.It has resulted in a crash and burn day in which my body has been attacking itself for hours now and nothing I do is helping. Hives are spreading and my face feels like it's on fire but I have felt overall better for a couple of weeks and if it ends now I was still given a blessing. Life is hard but God is good. I don't know what direction God is going with all of this but for today, for right now, I am thankful.