Saturday, November 10, 2018

blood disorder

I went and saw a hematologist are Barnes yesterday and it went quite well. She seemed amazingly smart and was very compassionate and eager to help figure things out. She said that my veins could have clot pieces that disturb the blood flow, we don’t know yet. She is going to review it with there interventional radiologists because unlike the ones I have dealth with , they have radiologists that specializes in the venous system vs the other ones do a bit of everything.

She looked at the pictures of how my body turns red and swollen in places, usually I can feel it in my face. She said my left calve is bigger than the right and all this could be from a blood disorder as well. I had blood work done and sent on my way until she calls me after the review, with her conclusion.

I woke up this morning to a message that my “clot factors” are  critically high. It should be no higher than 230 and mine is 724. The higher the number, the thicker the blood. The lab called it in and she said it is signs of a blood disorder because I am on high dose blood thinners and it is still THAT high. Basically, I have a disorder but they don’t know what yet and she will get back to me.

So, that’s that.