Thursday, March 31, 2022


 I just came across these photos.  It's hard living with a disease that has no cure because it is a rollercoaster all the time. So many different emotions going. These times were hard. I couldn't keep food down so formula and a feeding tube had to happen. Being attached to this pole with IV fluids running through my body to try to keep me from passing out most of my days. Hours spent in infusion centers. Loosing the simple ability to stand up without passing out and so much more. hard times.

 Right now, EEG to check for seizure activity, MRI's to check for spinal fluid leaks causing migraines, seeing a new doctor for mast cell activation disease because my body likes to attack itself, Tilt table with autonomic studies to really measure where my POTS condition stands. All still hard and overwhelming.

My point? Life is hard. But God is good. Life is always going to have hard moments with a variation in severity and all you can do is be thankful that you aren't where you were and remember that God is already where you are going. Not always easy to do, I struggle with it but in the end He is faithful and these photos prove it.