Friday, July 17, 2020

Next steps. Not fun but carry your faith.

I found out what my next steps are. I am left with a weird feeling, I prayed so hard to get the ball rolling but now that it is, everything now feels too real, I don’t know, it’s weird. I was able to finally communicate with my hematologist and she scheduled me for a ton of blood work and a bone marrow biopsy like my heart doctor wanted. It is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. After that I have to see an allergy doctor or auto immune doctor, they weren’t sure which yet.  I spoke with someone on fb that has MCAS and she sees a doctor at SLU who actually knows what he is doing that I will most likely see him for treatment after these tests are completed to manage it. I just need prayers for peace, comfort, and faith to walk down another path I didn't see coming. I didn't see it coming but God did and I am called to take my faith and just keep walking and fighting so that is what I will try to do.

**If slightly graphic details bother you run away now**

I am used to needles and surgeries/procedures but I have to admit I am so nervous about this bone marrow test on Wednesday. This test is done where you lay on your stomach then they numb through the layers of skin and muscle all the way down to your hip bone. They need to extract the cells that are in the middle of the bone to test them. They make a small incision and insert this odd contraption down until it hits the top of your hip bone and no easy way to say it, they drill through your hip bone until they are in the middle space that contains cells and then they suck a couple of syringes of them out of the middle of that hip bone, remove the needle, and it’s done.
Here is the thing. You are awake. They do give morphine and Ativan to try to help the pain that they say really helps people but I have this issue where my body doesn’t always respond to medications so that Ativan and morphine combo only works like half of the time with me but please pray hard with me that this will be one of the times the medications DO WORK because this is notorious for being a painful procedure as I am confident you can see why. This is a non graphic visual for you that may help with comprehension.

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