Monday, July 26, 2021

hospital update

 I want to say thank you for every prayer you petitioned for me, it was a long 8 days in the hospital. I am home now and life is just rough sometimes. The migraines have calmed down but rage up at times and at the moment treatments options are up in the air. I don't have words really but I heard this song and man could it be more true to me than right now. I need that strength to keep on hoping and He will give it, it might not be easy but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, He promised it. So I am just keep on going forward with hope. He still has my life in His hands.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

hospital prayers

I apologize for my lack of communication. It has been eventful lately. I have a prayer request to share with you. 2 days ago I came down with a 100.2 fever but I just took my medicine and went to bed. I woke up the following day, my fever had broke and never came back until this morning when I felt horrible, took my temperature and it was 101.8. I had one of the worst migraines and due to my port anytime I get a fever I have to get cultures to confirm the line going right to my heart is not the source.

When I got there, only 2 staff were available due to shift chain so it took awhile just to be triaged. I saw a doctor who ordered blood tests and was placed back in the waiting room. Hours later I got put back in triage so the doctor could say they cannot find the source of the fever and I needed admitted to be monitored for meningitis and pain control. They did give me a slight amount of medicine but it did almost nothing. The Tylenol however, did break my fever. They said the ER department and the rooms upstairs were packed so I had to go back to the waiting room and managed to get a chair. It was so busy they were down to standing room only only after I sat. We arrived at 6:30 and I got a room in the ER at 1:30 finally and met the hospitalist who ordered pain meds but everyone refused to give what she order so I had a small amount of something which barely helped and laid in the ER till after I got a room upstairs sometime after 8pm.

My oxygen was dropping when I slept so they put me on oxygen. Later, I  found out they would only give me pill morphine which I had been taking at home and it didn’t work there so I don’t know why it would work now who knows but that’s what I got. I whined enough that they finally agreed to give Percocet  which helped a little bit but nothing IV like I needed would be approved. I was also given a migraine cocktail thing called DHE. I was then discharged. I am still in pain but hanging in there.

All that to say I need prayer for managing my medications and that the fever will not return.