Monday, July 26, 2021

hospital update

 I want to say thank you for every prayer you petitioned for me, it was a long 8 days in the hospital. I am home now and life is just rough sometimes. The migraines have calmed down but rage up at times and at the moment treatments options are up in the air. I don't have words really but I heard this song and man could it be more true to me than right now. I need that strength to keep on hoping and He will give it, it might not be easy but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, He promised it. So I am just keep on going forward with hope. He still has my life in His hands.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to know the migraines have calmed, Allyson. I'm praying they find the right/best treatment for you. I love that song, Keep on Hoping, and what you wrote-Amen! The Lord will continue to give you his strength through it all. 💜Cathy M
