Sunday, May 3, 2015

Love/hate relationship

I have a love/hate relationship with this weather. It is absolutely amazing out and I love the sunshine and having my windows open but it is also a huge reminder of what I can't do anymore. Summer used to be filled with trips to quiver river to swim or to take the boat and trolling motor out and spending hours out on the water. Trips to creve Coeur park to walk the track and then take a detour and be lost for hours enjoying the weather and the wildlife in the middle of nowhere. Long late night drives to "explore" St. Louis and learning new ways to get places in the process. Trips out to Fast Eddie's to listen to the live bands and watch drunk people being idiots.

All of this has been taken from me and the only way I enjoy the weather is to have my windows open while I lay in bed hooked up to bags of saline so my blood pressure stays stable. needless to say I have been a little sad lately, I don't know what God is doing but it is for an unknown reason so I cling to that since none of this makes sense to me.

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