Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Old days

I have really been struggling these last few days with my reality. This is what my life has come to and it is depressing to realize I can no longer do most of the things I loved the most. I miss swimming and boating/fishing on cuivre river, late night drives to clear my head, being able to take mini vacations to get away, and being able to simply just go to fast eddie's whenever I want. There is so much more but you get the point.

I look back on how I got here and it is a giant pill to swallow when I feel like I am loosing years of my life again because my body cannot function correctly. I am longing soooo much for a vacation but I have no idea what that would look like. I just miss everything lately so I try to focus on the right here and right now but it isn't an easy task.

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