Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rainbows and promises

so, I am reading this daily devotional book and I noticed something that I didn't realize before, here is the sentence:

Whenever we see a rainbow today, we are reminded that God is faithful and His promises are binding. The reasons for the flood have not gone away, but we can know God will never again punish us like that. --A year with God

I have been wondering how evil the world had to have been at that time for God to wipe everyone out. Then it makes me curious as to how far society today has to fall before God says that He has had enough. I feel like we are a straight path right to evil. Naturally, when I think about the time of the flood, I just assumed that the people were as evil as they can be and we will never see anything more evil in life but the reasons for the flood have not gone away, people are still evil, living in a world with chaos. We could be just as evil as they were.

It makes me amazed that God will put up with us and the evil that we all have. Patience, compassion, and love like no human can fathom. patience in the company of pure evil is almost too hard to comprehend.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

hospitals vs. prison war

I think that hospital stays are one of the worst things ever. Besides prison. Although they do have some similarities. Let's compare.

1. Prison: you have a toilet in your cell that is wide open for anyone to view and you have to share with your cell partner. Sounds like bowel movement torture to me. Poor cell mate
Hospital: you must push your call light and wait forever for someone to come and take you to the bathroom that is smaller than a sardine can to the point where your IV pole won't fit thus forcing you to leave the door open and at any moment someone could come into your hospital room.

2. Prison: violent and very loud inmates that yell all day even at night
Hospital: old people have been known to spit on people yell senile things at the top of their lungs so EVERYONE can hear it all night long.

3. Prison: food is hardly edible
Hospital: slightly upgraded food but at least you have choices on what you want

4. Prison: You obviously cannot leave prison and most of the time you are lockup in a cell
Hospital: your hospital room becomes your torture chamber because you can't even get out of bed without a "butt monitor" going off. (I will explain butt monitor soon)

5. Prison: frequent wake up calls all night due to "men" that are out of control and act like 2 year olds
Hospital: you get woken up every few hours for vital signs, inhalers, blood draws (at 2 and 4 am), medications exc.

6.Prison: you have a roommate and you better pray that they don't have a murder conviction and they have to be one of your own people so you don't get shanked or something.
Hospital: sometimes you do have a roommate and sometimes not but you never know what they are going to do or say or YELL. Yell a lot. Such as "aww Lordy forgive me for my sins" ALL THE TIME

7. Prison: you must be aware at all times to ensure you aren't stabbed
Hospital: they can legally stab you with needles all the time

8. Prison: you must shower in a room full of other naked people. Nasty.
Hospital: you have to have a tech in the bathroom watching you shower or in some cases like mine you aren't even allowed to shower at all while in the hospital

**there is more but let's stop now. You got the point**

1. Butt monitor is a feature of the hospital bed that makes an alarm go off if you get out of bed. If you even move in bed it will send it off. On the plus side, you do get to say your butt is going off and that is always a good time.


For one, I AM HOME!!!!! 7 days in the hospital is just bleck. I have a feeding tube surgically implanted in my abdomen and I now do tube feedings at night and can eat as tolerated during the day. I no longer have to stress about it which is great. So that's that. I am in pain from my incision but overall I feel a little better with the nutrition in me.

I cherish everyone's prayers and they are not in vain. God is good even when we don't like how a process is going we just have to remind ourselves that the last step of any process is right into God's arms.

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Lord wiling I will be able to get some answers and a treatment or a diagnostic plan. I have barely held anything down all weekend and I lost another pound. Please pray that I don't have to do any doctor chasing and that I can get ahold of them right away and get this "plan" I have been waiting all weekend for. Also, please pray that both my PCP and GI doctors take things seriously and don't blow me off. Pray that God would give them wisdom on how to help me because this is getting bad. Pray that my doctor will follow through on everything and doesn't drop the ball.

I am nervous about this, not the treatment but being accepted and believed and not blown off or get passed back and forth between doctors. In all this though I know God is in control and I will cling to this as I face this trial.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

hurry up and wait

I am not going to give a lot of details yet but I really need extra prayers right now. Saw my doc yesterday and I am not in a good spot. My blood shows basically that my body has started breaking down itself due to malnourishment and I have lost 5 lb in 2 weeks. He is very concerned and contacted my GI doctor and said I would get a call from him by the end of the day yesterday. Well, I got the phone call and his staff said that "they" (whoever that is. Probably GI) will give me a call but if I don't hear anything by Monday to call his office back.

This whole waiting it out through the weekend is making me a wreck. I need peace to carry me to Monday. (I can almost guarantee I won't hear anything by then)