Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rainbows and promises

so, I am reading this daily devotional book and I noticed something that I didn't realize before, here is the sentence:

Whenever we see a rainbow today, we are reminded that God is faithful and His promises are binding. The reasons for the flood have not gone away, but we can know God will never again punish us like that. --A year with God

I have been wondering how evil the world had to have been at that time for God to wipe everyone out. Then it makes me curious as to how far society today has to fall before God says that He has had enough. I feel like we are a straight path right to evil. Naturally, when I think about the time of the flood, I just assumed that the people were as evil as they can be and we will never see anything more evil in life but the reasons for the flood have not gone away, people are still evil, living in a world with chaos. We could be just as evil as they were.

It makes me amazed that God will put up with us and the evil that we all have. Patience, compassion, and love like no human can fathom. patience in the company of pure evil is almost too hard to comprehend.

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