Friday, July 8, 2016


I am reading this right now.  YOUR ILLNESS WHATEVER IT MAY BE IS HARD ON YOU BUT REALIZE IT IS HARD ON THE ONES YOU LOVE TOO. It's a lot to be a caregiver. Your problem is not only yours. Keep that in mind.

This book is incredible. It is filled with so much truth about trials, specifically medical ones and how to deal with them through the blood of Christ. It is a personal story of the life of Laura Story and her husband's battle with brain cancer. It's real and honest, and vulnerable. I appreciate her openness about the struggles of life. We all have them but normally we hide them away. If you hide them away it is hard to fully let God use you through it because He has a plan, the struggle is not pointless.  I am learning how to trust God by Laura's example and honesty. God is using their struggle to help others. We don't know what the Lord's plans are and in the moment it is hard to focus and give it to God but when we do hope is found.  It's convicting and has left me in tears many times because she GETS IT, most people don't understand how chronic illness effects the lives of those around you. Your illness is hard and you suffer but it's not only your problem, it is hard on everyone who knows you as they watch you struggle INCLUDING GOD.

Life is hard but would you rather endure it alone or give it up to the one who created you and loves you more than you can comprehend? After all, it's not about you.  This is about letting go allowing God to work through you and your suffering. There is something that has been weighing on my heart. She talks about her desire to do everything on her own and not let others help because that would inconvenience them and rather than admit that she needs helps she keeps going and it's just too much. I DO THAT. She refused to inconvenience the church people and would never admit that she can't keep going. After taking a step back she realized that the people from church who want to serve them are not just doing it for her, but for the heavenly kingdom. Again,  it's not all about you! This is about letting people reach out and serve you because in doing so they are really serving Jesus.

I struggle so much with this. I want control and to say I can do it all by myself but I have reached the point where it finally hit home that I need to surrender my independence and let others serve Jesus through me because it's not about me, it's about Jesus. It's time to reach out against my sinful will. Let it go control freak. Just let go.

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