Monday, June 13, 2016

Wisdom tooth removal

Praise the Lord. my claim was approved! God answers prayers! I have a few more things in this process that need prayer.
  1. The nurse is going to talk to the doctor about when he is available for it
  2. One of the requirements is that I have a pre-op visit with an anesthesia
  3. matching up when he, the anesthesia’s and an open OR is complex
  4. so regardless this will take longer than I had hoped  but pray for peace and comfort while I wait for all of the above to work
  5. Pray mostly that it will not take too long to get everything in order , I’m just ready to get it over with.
By the way I just want to thank everyone who is praying and has been here for me because prayer can move mountains and is never in vain. Your support through this messy life reminds me time and time again that I am not alone, even if it doesn’t feel like your prayers are helping, rest assured that God hears them and is faithful.

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