Monday, August 22, 2016

Thy will be done

Surrendering to God's will is so incredibly hard. I want HIS plan for my life, not mine because He promises this and I want this.
I want His will to be done BUT of course not THIS will that's unfolding. As if I could pick things out of God's will that I don't want. I try and fail but keep trying anyway. A future and a hope is exactly what I need but I don't  want these blessings to come from sleepless nights and tears.

We are blessed for God's grace. When we doubt His plans, His will for us, His mercy and His response is to extend us infinite GRACE. This goes against everything we know and can fathom. Grace is Jesus's biggest blessing. He died so we could have a future and a hope. That future and hope that I try to pick apart in sin. Satan does have power and I think we forget this because we are so focused on the mightier power of God.

Satan makes us want to pull apart wills and our lives and sits there feeding us lies about God's plan for us and our needs and desires that we all will succumb to at one point in life. Probably multiple times. He will use all of his power to try to stop us from surrendering to "thy will be done." and he is good at it. Really good. I'm stubborn and I struggle with this.

I want the benefits of Thy will without the work. I want to bypass the hurt, pain, and feelings that God uses to get us to surrender. Can't we just skip the pain here God?

Obviously not. Lord come quickly. This is not my home.

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