Monday, August 29, 2016

new doctors. more detailed information

New doctors are always a good time. The minute this doctor reviewed my ENTIRE case (after I left the office) he called and said he is 100% sure that it is autoimmune because I had been fighting an upper respiratory issue when I got sick and my body just never stopped fighting it. I am now on immune suppressant medications and given my history I have to wear a mask if there is a lot of people in a small area. Even better times.

Here is my current situation: I NEED IVIG in order to get better but the insurance does not want to cover it. Please Pray hard that my skills in working the system get me somewhere. The doctor is going to try to get it covered, I am writing a letter and sending a list of EVERYTHING I tried and how this is my last option as well as attempting (prayer #2) to get my other docs to send something in as well.

Everything has to be difficult when it comes to me but I appreciate your prayers more than you will ever know. I cherish them and I know God is listening. Of course please pray for approval but also for my mental health if this doesn't get covered, I can already tell how hard that would be for me. I just want someone to help. I'm tired and I long for something, anything that will help and I don't want to be crushed ( If it goes bad I probably will anyway. Lord Jesus come quickly.) I'm a mess and need Jesus so please say a prayer for all of this crazy stuff but mostly for my soul.


  1. Wow! I am so encouraged he reviewed your case and called. Thank God! We prayed for you tonight as a family and will continue...

  2. Replies
    1. IVIG is an infusion that aids the 2 drugs that destroy my white blood cells so if I get sick it is all bad. The IVIG is another way of Decreasing the immune system's ability to attack body tissues in some cases of autoimmune disease. My body is attacking itself causing POTS and everything else I have and IVIG helps them to stop attacking.
