Monday, November 28, 2016

The life you knew....poof


I am trying so hard to get past the struggle portion, I feel like I will never be what I once was. There is truth in that my life has been forever changed, it will never be the same, I will not get back what I had but I have the head knowledge to know that I can move forward by the grace of God. My heart is a different story and hasn't caught up yet.

  I don't know what forward looks like and a part of me is scared of it. Scared of this right here being my life until Jesus takes me home. Facing that is like a dagger to the heart, it's daunting, sad, helpless, lonely and broken, this whole journey has been all of those scattered around. I am working on letting go of MY hopes and dreams for myself and surrendering them to GOD'S plan for my life and it is hard because they don't always match up. I know His plans are better than I could ever imagine but the hurt is still there and very real. There is no exit sign or get out of jail free cards in trials.

God has me right where He wants me, Broken.

 It is only through brokenness that light can shine through. When we see hardship God see's purpose and healing because He is, was and always will be the only loving savior that can restore our broken minds, bodies and souls. Clinging to Him is all I have left, my only option. Let's not forget that He is your only option as well, when the day comes and He takes us home all of these earthly things that we try to take comfort in or replace God with will be gone as we stand before Him. Family, food, friends, careers, sports, cell phones, and internet will not be there for you to lean on. As this life fades away and all of your idols are stripped away what is left? (rhetorical question)


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart. Don't give up hope. He is all you'll ever need. Like the widows oil.

    1. getting that into my mind and heart is hard but I am working through it.
