Friday, March 31, 2017

surgery is complete-thanks

Well, that was rough. The surgery itself took quite a bit longer than expected so they had to nasal
intubate and do a foley cath part way through the surgery.

I then a spent a couple of hours in recovery tackling my drug resistant self. I think I was conscious for maybe 1 hour out of three to wake up because I am always bad with that. It took awhile for me to get the pain under control but eventually they figured out a good combo and I was sent to recovery #2

(kind of like a step down unit) where I stayed for almost an hour before being released.

I am so thankful that it is over but we all know we have to have side effects of course, I have a very sore throat and a bleeding nose from the nasal intubation, urinary retention, stitches in my mouth, and coughing up the blood from my throat.

I am weak (as usual) and not very steady on my feet  and woozy at times. I will be calling my surgeons office tomorrow because my current pain medication is barely effective. Story of my life.

I want to thank everyone for the prayers that began during my battle in 2015 and through the  journey that has forever changed my life. Your support through the ups and downs, spending nights in ER's, providing transportation, financial support, advice, company, phone calls, visits basically all the little things that remind me that I  am still very alive and not just existing and taking up oxygen. Your support has shown me that I have worth and God can still use me even if I leave my bed twice in a day. He can use my sorrow and pain and the tears that at times don't stop for His glory and for other people, He can use me as I peacefully..or not... pass out on the floor at walgreens, because God caught me in His arms and protected me,  He provides me with the ability (I fail at this like everyday of my life ) to witness to all 5 billion doctors and medical staff I have seen. We all get so many chances to reach out to others and save the lost from the depths of hell and we fail. We fail the lost, we fail ourselves, and we fail GOD. Thankfully He has the power to redeem, save and restore DESPITE US. A MERCY WE CAN'T COMPREHEND AND A GOOD GOOD FATHER.

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