Friday, May 12, 2017

verses for the valley--possibly my final update for right now

well this is it... I got my FINAL notice that my nurse will be here on Thursday for me to fill out infusion discharge paperwork because I don't have an "acceptable" doctor treating me and giving orders. I have done everything I can to fight it but It's happening and there is nothing I can do about it. I have spent so many hours calling all over the place to get someone to help me and with each call came the blow of we can't help you. In the last week I have called 15 physicians. I have even called "find a doctor" phone lines and no go. Every time I think someone is going to help it gets shot down. Needless to say I feel pretty discouraged (that word doesn't even cut it right now) because no doctor=no treatments.

THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO TO HELP ME though. I need your go to bible verses when it feels like life is crashing down and you are dangling with no where to turn. Also, if you are comfortable doing it I could really use your testimonies/examples of God's faithfulness and providence that brought you through some hard times. or in general really. I am so thankful for this church and everything they do to support me through prayers, visits, phone calls, rides,  and the most important thing of drawing me back to Jesus when I feel abandoned.

I am also thankful for those that call me randomly (like today RIGHT when I needed it most)  and share with me the trials they faced or continue to face and how God worked in their lives in providential ways.

please note that I might not always answer the phone or I could decline your offers to visit if I feel bad. Please don't let that stop you from asking or calling just don't take it offensively if I decline the day or don't answer the phone. I find some comfort in the fact that you are thinking about me enough to ask. You are however more than welcome to leave me voicemails of encouragement, hope, and peace or even leave me a prayer to keep me God focused cause that my friends is a hard thing to maintain.

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