Thursday, June 15, 2017

ohh yesterday

I have had a migraine for a whole month and it is brutal. I contacted my neurologist office to see if there was anything I could do besides sit in an ER for way too many hours and I never heard back even after 3 emails and 4 phone calls. My current headache medication  is just not cutting it for some reason, it helps make it more tolerable but after 4ish hours it is back in full force.

I couldn't take it and went to an urgent care who was so understanding and helpful it was amazing. She said that my doctor should give me something stronger because this was bad and could have been stopped at home. My pain levels were so high that my pupils were completely blown and did not react to light, I got a fever because my messed up body does not know what it's doing and it's pain response is fevers, and my blood pressure was actually high from pain.

They ended up giving me IV morphine and two injections of Benadryl and reglan. It helped a lot and made me feel like I could  get on top of the pain. Well, no. It's back. I crankily contacted the office manager for my doctor who doesn't answer me and they want me to come in today and do a group discussion to resolve issues. Please pray this goes well and something can be worked out.

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