Sunday, December 13, 2015


1. I see my new specialist that wants to take my case on Tuesday at 10:30. Please pray for wisdom and peace. A part of me feels like this is my last hope but ya know there is Jesus so that isn't truth.

2. My birthday post: (late. shame.)
I feel incredibly blessed to have made it to 24 with so many close calls but God wants me here for something. When you are almost bed bound it's kinda hard to not feel useless. Insert Jesus here. My life has been pretty crazy but I am so blessed to be surrounded by a whole church family and friends! It means the world to me to just be prayed for given this situation that I am in...again. I'm good at it, obviously. It is so hard to bring myself to do things like birthday parties because of the crash that follows. Today I can barely walk, or move, or breathe, or do anything besides laying in a heap all day. Having said that being able to celebrate with some crazy people was absolutely worth it. I needed it. I needed to know that life still happens. God knew that so I was able to function for it all. He is awesome. I made it this far and that alone is amazing. Thanks for everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it really was the BEST birthday weekend I have EVER had, such a blessing.

I don't know what the next year holds for me but I know WHO holds it and blessing abound despite and through circumstances, we forget that a lot. It's been a very hard year but I am not alone and we shall see what the next year of my life holds.

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