Thursday, March 3, 2016

shattered miracles

I went and saw a new doctor yesterday that my other doctor referred me to and it was horrible. Here is your overview.
Side note: I also just called this morning for more information and between that info from her nurse and the actual appointment this is the result:

1.She has no compassion
2. She is REPULSED (she used it) at everything Dr.Quattromani did
3. She would never and knows nobody who would ever do any of it
4.She wants me admitted to the telemetry unit at wash u and cold turkey stop ALL of my meds and infusions INCLUDING all psychiatric ones
5. put me through all the withdraws WITHOUT those "withdraw symptom relieving meds" because-- no meds is the point
6. it would mean 2-3 weeks inpatient to get through the withdrawals and just see what my nervous system does.
--Basically put me through hell on earth with no relief.

I left the office crying and cried myself to sleep and cried all morning. Cry was all I could do. That is why you are just now hearing from me. I never would have imagined that I would ever get an answer like that.  Shattered, broken, beaten, lost, stuck, and alone all describe how I felt and I could not talk about it.

This morning I got so desperate that I texted through my blurred, teary eyes  Dr. Quattromani (my original doctor) and a miracle of all miracles happened, she said she still has privileges so she will sign off on my infusions and she said I am getting better but it is just a crazy slow process.

 I am doing way better than I was when I was diagnosed therefore her treatment is working (unlike what the other one said) it is just a slow and hard thing to treat and regain functionality but I am not where I was when I was first diagnosed and just keep doing what I am doing and getting out more and more and eventually my body will re-condition just slow and all meds and infusions are what is enabling me to be able to do that. If I would have been admitted and tried the other plan it probably would have killed me. A girl actually died recently because of something similar to what this doctor wanted me to do.

She gave me her fax number to send all orders too and her cell phone number to contact her. She is going to renew my infusion scripts because she still has practicing rights here and still plans to eventually open the clinic near her once her malpractice insurance goes through.

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