Thursday, June 9, 2016

updates and a prayer request for something this afternoon

So I figured I would update everyone about my crazy life on here more vs. facebook because I don't want to be one those annoying people who posts negative things and talks about health ALL THE TIME. For those of you who have been waiting for my test results, well, good old quest ordered a bunch of the wrong tests so I know absolutely nothing. I will never go to quest again because they always mess stuff up! So instead my nurse came out and drew the blood through the port yesterday and I am waiting for those results to pop up online and I will go from there.

Also I'm excited and a tad nervous because my doctor put me on Adderall  to see if it helps my brain fog because I'm loosing my mind like a dementia patient but I'm nervous about how it is going to make me feel. If you take it I would love your input.

Lastly my prayer request. Ahem I'm slightly ashamed but I need the prayers so here is the thing. I have a SEVERE phobia of the dentist cause of some bad experiences and I go in for a consult with an oral surgeon today and I have the following prayer requests.
  1. pray for my severe anxiety that shoots my heart rate up to bad bad levels and drops BP, making me more likely to pass out.
  2. because I am nervous it is already flaring up my involuntary movements, shaking and adrenaline dumping
  3. This disease heightens everything so every sound from people talking and the drills won't be good, The light that they shine right into your eyeballs is the worst.
  4. As you can probably geuss it's a whole plethora of all of my triggers at one time which makes me really sick
Lastly, with all this I cannot get any dental work done unless I am sedated AND everyone so far is too scared to give me anesthesia because of my POTS. It's a long, terrifying battle for me BUT I spoke with an office today and they have me coming in for a consult this morning at 10:15 and I need all the prayers I can get since I am already freaking out. Thank you all. You are all such a an encouragement to me.


  1. I take concerta to help with my ADD and energy levels from the Chronic Fatigue! But too much made me feel like I was on a constant roller coaster or butterflies in my stomach! But I like it because it does help with my brain fog!! Luv ya!! 🙏🏻💖🐰

    1. Yeah, I'm sure it will work in time. Love you
