Saturday, September 10, 2016


I am struggling with every-thang in my life right now. Fall makes me cry. I love the temperatures and it is the only time I can do outdoor things but it also carries a deep sadness from memories I wish I could re-create.

Going through my pictures, I found some from the last vacation I went on. Forever long ago. I long more than anything right now to be sitting on this pier and talking about life with the BFF as we hear the fish jump in the water. Taking in the beauty of God's incredible creation instead of these walls and stucco ceilings of my cave. My soul longs for it's peace and quiet atmosphere. I need a getaway to here so bad but I don't think it is currently plausible when you live on social security. I'm gonna go cry in a corner while you view the pictures I am crying over. mk. mk.

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