Sunday, May 30, 2021


I want to thank you all for your prayers and support over the years, Chatham really is my family and you all have done so much for me and it is much appreciated! I apologize that this took me so long to post an update. I have really just been in complete awe at how God works. Sometimes in life He chooses to bless us with a glimpse of His loving sovereignty. The way my doctor situation played out leaves absolutely NO room for a “coincidence”. His hands are obviously shown all over it and God knows when we need that reminder that we are never left alone in the dark, He goes before us, with us, and after us orchestrating situations and this is definitely one of them.

A little while back my dad had gone into A-Fib at an urgent care and they said he needed to be ambulanced to the hospital. He really wanted to go to mercy but despite the doctor calling a few private ambulance services none of them were willing to go out of there district so He had no choice but to go to DePaul. When I went to see him a doctor came in and said they assigned a cardiologist for him and when she said the name I knew immediately that hey he’s my cardiologist as well and he is a great doctor. I don’t really see him because he is more for structural issues and mine and my dads were electric signal issues not structure so you need an electrophysiologist for that.

I got a text from my dad later again saying I think you know my electrophysiologist and he said Dr.Pete. The current practice my doctor is in is where Dr. Pete used to work and I saw him until he left and I was switched to the current doctor who has been great but I got insider information from my home health nurse that he was leaving. When my dad went to the hospital it was not confirmed at all. Dr.Pete was saying he didn’t really leave on good terms and the office is kind of a mess and I have to agree with him on that one but I was so established there I didn’t want to change anything. Welp, shortly there after I got an email that the current one was actually leaving. I was anxious because finding a new doctor for me for anything is a nightmare and I thought maybe just maybe Dr.Pete would be willing to see me at his practice. I called and once I told them I used to see him they were like oh he will see you and I got an appointment for that next week!

My dad had a follow up the week prior with him and he asked how I was doing and my dad said well, you can ask her yourself she has an appointment with you next week. He proceeds to say how glad he was that I did not switch over to the doctor taking over patients when my doctor leaves because he is horrible. Here is the thing doctor’s do not talk bad about eachother so he must be really bad, I would have ended up with him or on the hunt for a new doctor but I feel like I have seen every kind of specialist for this that exists in St.Louis. Either way not a good situation.

I saw Dr.Pete and overall things are okay. He did say he forgot how complex my case is haha. He did apologize that I have been tossed around to so many doctors and he wanted me to know he is not going anywhere so I can have some peace in knowing I won’t have to go on any hunts for doctors. He generally doesn’t approve of “IV therapy” but he said since I have tried to stop before and it did not end well, I am dependent on it he is okay with continuing all of my home health IV therapy orders. God is good. I had an ekg done and he said it shows a long QT interval from some of the medications I am on so we have to be careful if I get anything new but for now we will just watch it. As far as my heart rate and migraines go he is using a medicine they don’t use much these days but it is supposed to regulate my heart rate AND it is known for helping with migraines! I have to be on the lowest dose because it could cause my blood pressure to drop but prayerfully it helps. He ran some blood work because low magnesium levels could be causing or worsening some of my symptoms.

My blood test came back and I was shocked when at around 5:30pm HE CALLED ME HIMSELF to discuss my results.I am slightly anemic but we are just going to watch it because he doesn’t know why but it’s not bad enough to need treated but as he suspected in the office my magnesium levels are lower than he wants so he sent in a supplement for that but everything else looked ok and I will see him again in 6 months.

This whole novel was perfectly aligned by God and I am at peace and hopeful that these medications will help me avoid ER migraine trips. He works in mysterious ways and took a bad situation and inserted some good into it and I am so thankful. As this song says:

 Almighty Fortress You go before us

                                  Nothing can stand against

                                    The power of our God

                                    You shine in the shadow

                                       You win every battle



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