Sunday, May 9, 2021

some important prayer requests

 Life is a little chaotic sometimes but God is good


1.      My cardiologist is named Dr. Glascock. Awhile back I was with one of their other doctors Dr.Pete but he left so I got switched to Dr. Glascock who has helped me tremendously. I have seen about 15 different doctors and It is extremely hard to get a doctor to agree with my treatment regimen because everyone has opinions and there is no cure so no protocol, you are at the mercy of opinions. Well, my home health nurse told me she heard a rumor that Dr.Glascock is leaving the practice and she is pretty confident it is true because of the below.


2.      I got a letter stating that SSM has decided they only want their group of cardiologists to see patients and have basically shut off connection with my doctor. They said you can tell them who your doctor is but it doesn’t matter because SSM WILL not even consult with my doctor. If you have an emergency they will not contact the doctor at all. So SLHV (my cardiologist) practice is in the process of suing SSM for this because those doctors don’t know your history, it will just be last minute decisions they choose to make. For me I have 7 years of important history and I can guarantee the SSM cardiologist is going to sit and read 7 years of history and my overall care will be affected by this. My doctor cannot keep track of my health like this. Which would make sense why he would leave. I would then be left to find another doctor which is a nightmare.


3.      I would have to find one fast because of the IV fluid situation.  Of course God could choose not to do this but an interesting thing happened that is giving me some peace. My dad got assigned an electrophysiologist and he text me and said I think you know who it is. Well, it happens to be Dr.Pete my original doctor before he left and I was passed onto Dr. Glascock. Dr. Pete has an office at depaul so I might be able to get in with him. I’m taking my time and waiting on the Lord for direction and peace in the unknown of my treatment.


4.      I had some dental work done a few weeks ago and I could feel a spot that just seemed irritated so I ignored it but the other day within 48 hours it was big red and swollen so I took a picture and emailed it to the dentist and he said he doesn’t like how it looks and could tell even what it was so I had an appointment the next day. He thought it was going to be a blocked salivary gland but it turns of you also have a mucous (that shouldn’t even be a word just saying) gland and mine is blocked by a cyst looking thing. So on June 9th I will have surgery to remove it and then he will look at it with a microscope and depending on what is seen they would send it to be biopsied.


5.      My migraines are out of control at the moment which happens when my heart rate goes too high and they have become severe and frequent all of a sudden. I think it is because my blood pressure is stable so I am able to be up moving around doing things which sends my heart rate up and down more than it had been when I didn’t do stuff. It’s just a mess. I will be making an appointment with the doctor to discuss what, if anything can be done.



6.      If you didn’t read the other post I put up tonight you might want to because God knew things were going to go down like this and he pulled me out of my pit just in time to have peace


Jeremiah 29:11-For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

****the blog site I use has decide to abolish the sign up to get an email thing. So if you would like one I am creating an email list that I can send it out with you can comment on here, on facebook, realm, fb messenger, or email**




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