Monday, June 29, 2015

Taking things for granted and peace that surpasses all understanding

As a society we tend to take so much for granted and we whine about having to do the little things or chores. Imagine if all of a sudden you were incapable of doing any kind of chore or other little things. At first it sounds great (yay no chores!) but that doesn't last long and will eventually result in that whole whine with a bad attitude thing again. Here is examples of stuff that get taken for granted and I am unable to do most of them or they are very exhausting. Sounds weird to say but I am dying to be able to do chores again. example:

1. Drive- I cannot drive for 3 more months due to my seizure
2. Shower- they are the worst the heat from the water and the activity of doing it even with a shower chair drains all my energy
3. bedroom- I would love to be able to clean up the messes I make on my carpet but nope.
4. closet- I have been wanting to clean it since I moved back to my parents but I can't. This will eventually be my 1st challenge
5. Laundry- I am unable to do it at all so my dad has to do it for me.
7. clothing- I would love to hang my clothes up but world war 3 happened in my closet
8. Bed- Cleaning out under it
9. Sheets- putting sheets on my bed completely does me in
10. stairs- I literally have not left my bedroom for days at a time because stairs make my pulse 150ish
11. clothing 2- I would love to go through all of my clothes and get rid of the ones that I don't want
12. car sick- being in a car for 30 minutes or more sends my nervous system into "kill me now mode"
13. paint- one of the vertical dressers that is so not attractive
14 Gym-I miss going to the gym so much!
15. food- I have to text one of my parental units and tell them what I want to eat and drink and it is brought to me. Also, food makes me sick so that is a problem.
16. river- I miss going to the river and swimming or using the trolling motor and blow up boat. MISS IT MAJORLY.

please note: I am not asking for help, I am just reminding people that one day everything can be taken from you so enjoy being able to do laundry, walk up and down stairs, clean whatever your heart desires, make memories of going places with your family because our days are not guaranteed.

Please pray for trust, wisdom, patience, and faith. Everything is in God's timing which is perfect but we as humans want it now. Yeah, just prayers in general would be great because this "journey" is getting long and wearing me out with each issue or symptoms. I am just worn. That is what God is for though :)

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