Saturday, October 24, 2015

the rundown

so, for those of you who are curious here is the results of my hospital stay. I will do my best to not "medicalize" (new word) it so all can understand.

1. my blood levels showed heart damage and clotting activity despite being on blood thinners
2. Dr. major ego said and I quote "none of this makes any sense and it is his job to find something that can kill me but he doesn't have the time to figure it all out, that's the job for the doctors upstairs"
3. Given your cough and your dependence on oxygen we are going to do a CT scan to look for clots in your lungs
4. CT done.
5. 2 clots found in lower lobe
6. the heart damage could be a heart attack not originating from the heart quote: "I just don't know"
7. more idiots come and say scary and contradicting things such as blood thinner failure and no matter what I will have to be on thinners for the rest of my life
8. my hematologist comes and says it is his job now to un-do and un-say everything they said. The clots caused the fever and low oxygen and put extra work on the heart making the blood test show heart damage even though that is not exactly what is happening and there is for sure NO heart attack. I am not in blood thinner failure we just couldn't keep the dose regulated enough to prevent clots thus I got them and now Coumadin is not the right med for me so we are switching to an injectable once a day that does not have to be regulated, I can eat whatever I want and take whatever medications I want.
9.He said I could go home over the weekend and here I am and I love him. One of the best doctors ever. I love how he has no fear of coming and proving to their face everything that said that was wrong. The best. So a shot a day and bam all is well.

Started out super scary with really low oxygen levels and ended fantastic. ohhhh life.

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