Monday, August 11, 2014

Another week

Mondays are hard. They is no difference physically but mentally they suck. The longer I have these syndromes the harder they get. It is the start of another week. Another who knows what will happen tomorrow, could I end up passing out or fighting to keep my blood pressure up or being so exhausted I can't move. During the weekends for some reason I can semi-forget the state my life is in but come Monday I realize it all over again and have to fight the battle some more. Face the unpredictable nature that is 2 heart conditions and a faulty nervous system. I just don't know where my life is going and I can only pray that it goes differently than what I am bracing myself for. I don't know when I will be able to drive again, if I will ever be able to work again thus ever leave my parents house and if I will have to have a port for the rest of my life. I don't know and I don't have the "freedom" that people who are healthy have to just decide to do something on a whim. As one week ends and another begins, it is another week of the pure unknown from day to day and sometimes hour to hour that gets to my spirits and brings me to a place where I just have to wait; which has never really been my thing anyway but God knows my future and what my life will look like and I know that all of this is for His glory so big girl pants go on and I try to focus on today, the here and now, the what can I do with today, not a month from now, today. I don't know what the future holds but I sure do know who holds it and I am pretty darn sure He has it all under control..............This song has always brought me encouragement and today it is needed.........

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