Sunday, August 31, 2014


I am learning to be thankful in every situation of life. Sometimes, God smacks you and gives you a huge reality check, or just smacks you cause He is God. I mean I would; there is a reason why I am not God. Anyways, I have a lot going on right now with my uncooperative body but in each little thing there is still happiness and joy to be found if you really look, yes, it might require some digging but it is always there and I am slowly learning to find it. Here is some things I am learning: 1. I lost my job and can't physically work anymore but I am getting long term disability which I can have for 24 months! 2. My parents kept me on there health insurance so I am not swimming in the ocean of medical debt. 3. yes, I did have to move back to my parent's but I am no longer using up all of my savings to live month to month anymore. 4. I have been blessed to have parents who can give me money loans with no interest instead of having to take them out. 5. I have two heart conditions but I am so lucky to be correctly diagnosed in a timely fashion and didn't have to wait years. 6. cardiac rehab and meds have helped a ton as far as the heart conditions go. Thanks, God. 7. with my new med I only puke twice a day...the little things. 8. my port is malfunctioning but I can still do my fluids through it; it just doesn't give up blood like it should 9. my automatic nervous system hasn't completely failed, yet. Just lots of misfires. 10. I am not in the hospital right now! I have procedures coming up but no admissions. Life can be hard but I am so thankful to have God, friends, and family and I will get through this just like I've made it through everything else. The grace of God.

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