Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Prayer requests

I have a couple specific things going on that I could really use prayer for going on. The first one is that my home cardiac rehab is ending after this week because the insurance companies will only allow for so many sessions. Some insurances separate in home therapy and outpatient therapy so that you get more sessions. Please pray that my rehab will be able to be continued even if it is outpatient. If it is not covered they are going to have me doing it myself based off what I have learned to do. The problem is I don't know when to push my body and when not to push it so the idea of me being left to fend for myself is a little intimidating. Secondly, as many of you know my body does not like to keep food in itself these days but I was blessed with 2 days of no vomiting and then today it has taken a new turn and I will spare you too many details but basically I was puking pure bile all morning. It is like nothing I have ever seen and I am waiting for my doc to get back to me about this so if you would pray for that to stop I would appreciate it because it is causing other issues like with my throat from the pure acidic-ness and is quite painful.

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