Tuesday, September 9, 2014

faith in fads

When you have a life changing illness without a cure most people grasp anything and everything in a desperate hope for a cure. There are situations where doing so is important (cancer) but not always. If you constantly search and "try" every little thing you tend to find that none of them work. Putting faith in the next "possible" healing treatment instead of God leaves you in a fragile state. God allows us to go through these illnesses for a purpose therefore, it is in his will to heal or not to heal and all we can do is accept and trust Him knowing He is our savior, healer, and redeemer. Seeking off the wall treatments and 100% believing they will cure and putting your faith in it leaves out the only thing that really can cure, God. I get asked a lot have you tried this? or this? or what about this? and currently I am doing the standard treatment for what I have and I don't put my faith in juicing and weird blended foods made into a ratchet shake and expect it will be the cure that I am want. Do I believe some of these things will help yes, of course but heal no. God does use things to heal us and could use juicing as a way of healing you since He can do what He wants and all but the faith has to come from God not the juicing concoctions or other things. I think God allows these trials to test our faith and to show us only He can do miracles. When we start trusting the next healing fad, we loose sight of God and His perfect timing. His perfect power to heal or just say wait and watch how He uses your suffering. once again I'm not saying the fads are bad and don't help because I have seen them work I am saying that along with them your faith in God has to be number one or the fads won't work because your focus is on the things of this world and not accepting what God has for you and what He will do through your trial.

1 comment:

  1. Let us not understand how it is to be compassionate. Compassion is hard because it requires the inner disposition to go with others to a place where they are weak, vulnerable, lonely and broken. But this is not our spontaneous response to suffering. What we desire most is to do away with suffering by fleeing from it or finding a quick cure for it.
    --Henri Nouwen
