Saturday, September 27, 2014


It occurred to me that I usually post on fb or this blog when bad news is discovered and I do a LOT of complaining about my circumstances. Giving off a negative vibe with everything is not my intention. My life isn't all bad things and I have much to be thankful for so for you list lovers I am making one of the good things I have in life that I tend to take for granted.

1. I am blessed to have so much family support to get me through this one day at a time. I would be very lost without them.

2 I am thankful that I never went off of my parents health insurance and had to switch to my ex-employers. There is no way I could afford all of my health issues on my own and to add another blessing, my parents pay my medical bills for me and are not expecting any of it back. Not many people have this option.

3.I am thankful that my dad was blessed with a good job so I was able to take out parental loans to pay my bills when I lived on my own. No credit score crashes or interest to be paid.

4. Grateful that my mom is doing better than she was a couple years ago and has been able to drive me to appointments and help me when I need it.

5. blessed to have so much support from my church whether it is just through pray or the willingness to drive me all over that place for appointments when I need it.

6. exc.... oh and Jesus. I am blessed by Him too. exc...

In talking to a friend the other day I was reminded of how lucky I am to have all of these things while I am sick. Most don't have the option and have to work while trying to stay alive at the same time because bills need paid.

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