Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I have been thinking today about how blessed I really am. Yes, I have had my fair share of trials in this life but with trials comes mercy and blessings. My body might be going crazy with a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, tremors, passing out, shortness of breathe, nausea, vomiting, headaches and chest pain confining me to my bed but I am beyond blessed to have parents that can pay for my medical needs, run up and down the stairs bringing me various things, take me to and from so many doctors appointments, and sit 6 hours in the ER with me when my blood pressures go crazy. Not everyone is blessed with that luxury and I am realizing the extent of God's mercy in my life. With every trial comes blessings but you have to take a step back and look for it in order to find it most of the time.

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