Friday, March 20, 2015

No mistakes

I know most of us know think we know that God does not make mistakes. It is the basis for faith. When we as humans face trials we tend to "forget" this fact and get all tangled up in our problems and question God, convinced that He made a mistake by allowing us to go through trials. Don't doubt that at least subconsciously you feel that way. We all do at some point. Have you ever thought that maybe He is allowing you to face hard things in life for a purpose? This song lyric really hit home today as I dread dealing with all my issues.

"I am a broken and fragile me
But I'm where You want me to be"

I don't believe God allows hardship for no reason. There is a reason for everything else so why not that. He wants us in that trial for a purpose, not to get back at you for anything but a reason wrapped in love, grace and mercy even if we have sinned to get there.

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