Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I have been told that I do not have POTS but something else that is in testing and here is why:

1. some doctors disagree and go back and forth about it but I was told that my major BP drops mean that I do not have POTS because all that diagnosis is and means is in different positions I get tachycardia. I do have that but I also have a dilated and fixed pupil, major orthostatic hypotension (low BP), nausea and vomiting, migraines, and abdominal pain. Even on every possible treatment regimen for POTS for 8 MONTHS the only thing that got better was my heart rate. I did and am doing the Levine program and I attribute it to the success of getting my heart rate controlled but that is all it did. If I had POTS months of getting a liter of fluid every day, being on ALL possible meds for POTS, and doing the conditioning process should have done more than just getting my pulse controlled, I should be feeling better to some degree.

2. I am not saying I have AAG because I don't know what I have but the reality is that it is time to start looking for something other than POTS. Not just an underlining cause but something new altogether. My symptoms just don't fit in the little POTS box or I would be much better.

3.I know people are trying to help but I don't want your opinions on what it is or is not since nobody is a doctor. I don't mind advice within limits and I definitely don't mind prayers but I don't want a people provided "answer for everything" At this point I would be thrilled if it was "just POTS" and I could continue doing what I am doing and get better, that'd be great but after 8 months, I don't think it is going to happen. Everybody has a solution for me in their head and if I just "do this" it will all be peachy. My life has never been normal and I go against the normal in every way possible so it is not a simple situation.

4. All I want is your prayers for the correct diagnosis and treatment plan that can make my quality of life improve. I appreciate everyone's support and love as I deal with whatever God does in my life and try to move forward and prayerfully in the right direction.

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