Sunday, October 26, 2014


I have never been good in things that have a waiting time.I have been very nervous and anxious and everything under the sun when I saw the POTS as the result of the tilt table. My heart had dropped thinking here we go again, he is going to tell me it is only that and my blood pressure drops just come along with it and we can't do anything about it. Obviously, I have been told a lot in my life that things are all in my head and I was terrified that was happening again. God never gives up on us and wants us to hand over this "control" that we think we have. I like control. God reminded me to just trust despite what you think is going to happen and the following message took my worry away and reminded me how important it is to give things over to God. This is the response from my doctor that I have been waiting for and freaking out over:

'We have not yet ruled out AAG. Lets see what the antibody shows.
It cannot just be POTS with low BP, despite the tilt results."

Basically, I do have POTS but I have something else as well that is making my BP drop. That is what we are testing for. So, yes I have 2 syndromes because just having one is not allowed. God gave me this peace despite my previous lack of trust and for that I am so thankful.

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