Monday, December 22, 2014

Doctors! It never ends.

I go to see a hematologist/oncologist at 2:45 tomorrow to decide what to do in the long term with my blood clots. The current ones should be almost dissolved by the lovenox injections and blood thinner at this point. I will continue with blood thinners and all that great stuff for 6 months but after that I am at high risk for developing more due to my forced sedentary condition. Bloods clots are life threatening so that is the last thing I need. They might decide to put stents in to block any clot formation from breaking off and traveling to my lungs and causing a pulmonary embolism which is extremely life threatening and it has to be caught and treated VERY fast or well bad things.

On a side note: these last 4ish days have been difficult due to my heart and faulty nervous system deciding that now is when to go crazy. I can't stand and walk at all without my heart rate being 130-145 and its causing chest pains and making breathing a challenge. Even laying in bed I can hear it pumping too fast to count. I have -10 energy from my heart and body having to use it all to keep my body functioning. Sorta functioning. My home health nurse is coming out tomorrow to change my port needle and test how thin or thick my blood is and I ask that you pray for me that I don't have to go to the hospital and I can just stay home and not move for the holidays. She is required to call the doctor if it is that high and the doctor would put me in the hospital, I am doing everything I can to avoid a hospital stay so please pray with me that I can spend the holidays at home with my family. I have spent enough time in that hospital I should have my own room by now!

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