Saturday, December 27, 2014


Sometimes it is hard not to just give up and never leave my bed forever. I will be honest, I don't want the next day to come. I'm done with it all, I feel like I know that next day is going to be sucky. My will to fight is a little broken tonight as I know this is not just going to go away instantly {unless miracles occur} and I will probably be dealing with this my whole life. I feel like I am not living but just existing. Every day is a battle and I tend to forget God is walking with me and pushing me through times like these when I just want it to be over. God sustains me through each day no matter what and without that I would not be able to handle all this stuff that is being thrown at me and beating me down. The promise from God says He will rescue me. It is a promise and an unbreakable one. I don't know when He will rescue me but until that day I will be sustained to face tomorrow.

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