Tuesday, December 16, 2014


ummm first of all, things are dumb and don't notify me when someone comments like it used too, So, sorry about that I am not ignoring anybody.

moving on, when you are faced with a life long disease and the complications that go with it, it's one of the most defeating and soul crushing realizations. It immediately puts you to your knees in search for peace, hope and comfort. God comes and rescues you. That does not mean your circumstances have changed, they may or may not according to God's will but if you seek Him you will find Him and the peace, joy, comfort and stability will follow. It might take a little while because I believe that it requires you to open your heart and mind and let Him in before He is going to answer your prayers. Your affliction may not go away but we have a God who is stronger than any of our problems even when we forget He is in control.

As a Christian I think we tend to act like everything is peachy and because we have God our life is a basket of (apples?)and our struggles are hidden from others for various reasons. We all want to present being happy, Godly people so others won't get into our box of secret problems that we cling to. Your happy baskets are fake people, we all struggle and have very hard times and don't share it with anyone in the body of Christ because we don't want our secrets exposed. Give that up. We could all build unity if we shared struggles because everyone has them. I could sit here and type about how
my life is perfect because I have God but I won't. It would be fake and in order for people to help you and guide you into Jesus's arms you have to be honest. LIFE IS HARD.

Start opening up with those around you about the trials of life and I think you will find some great encouragement and be led toward God. Fake gets you nowhere but depressed. So, in typing about trials and honesty, I have had a rough time lately focusing on the negative and not searching for the good things God is doing because of my trial. I feel like I am just waiting for the next ball to drop at all times and I certainly am struggling with peace and comfort. I have lost almost everything for the time being; my ability to drive and to just live and not just exist and it is hard. It is hard to know what you will face when you wake up the next day and begin to pray that you could just sleep through your trial. (FYI: that prayer never works. God has plans and there is no time for sleeping it away)

This sounds weird but I want to hear other peoples trials whether they are basic or big it still counts as a trial and it is nice to know I am not alone so please share. Life is not perfect. Live like it. Live like you have your trials BUT are blessed by God to share them with Him or maybe even heal you, you never know with God He does some crazy awesome things sometimes.

In conclusion, please pray for my mental and physical health because at the moment I just feel like a mess and pray that we can all put aside "God makes my life perfect" land and share with each other what we are facing. There is power in numbers and power in Jesus that we have only ever seen glimpses of.

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