Tuesday, December 23, 2014

hematology report

This is not going to include everything and it will be fragmented because I feel like crap.

First of all, this doctor is kind, compassionate and knowledgeable and was able to explain a lot to me that I was unaware of so that makes life easier. We basically discussed my different blood thinner options, how the thinners work and the possible complications of them all. FYI: I am staying on the one I have now.

He also doesn't think the clot formed from me laying down all the time he said that since my legs are elevated blood can flow correctly thus no clots. He put me in the category of unexplainable blood clots which are tricky because once you stop the blood thinners the clots seem to come back a lot. So, he is going to keep a close eye on me due to that.

He chose to go with the original 6 month regimen but said it could be bumped up to a year depending on my POTS symptoms at the time. After that 6 month period he said we have some hard decisions to make as far as what to do at that point. Can't wait.

Apparently cancer causes blood clots a lot so he said breast cancer is the only one he would be concerned about given my age but he found nothing on an exam and I have to keep a close watch for that. He said a massive NO to stents because he said that they can actually create clots and well so not the point of it.

He was able to see the signs of my automatic nervous system failure pretty quickly as we talked my pupils did not move and my mouth was dry. After a closer look my eyes are being hit hard by this disease so visual issues could eventually be a problem but not yet.

I basically got a lot of helpful information that I needed to know so even though he didn't treat me for anything, he did give me what I needed to watch for and do to help myself so that counts in my book! I go back in 3 months and see how everything is going but overall I am very pleased with how the appointment went and the doctor is amazing so the journey continues...........

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