Friday, April 3, 2015

gravel road

We all end up on a dark road at some point in life where you can't see more than a few feet in front of you, there is no turning back so you go, one step at a time knowing at any minute something could go wrong. You can barely see directly in front of you let alone what is at the very end. Fear begins to creep in as you walk, all the unknowns are flooding into your brain like wildfire when all of a sudden a trial hits you dead on. You know this is only the beginning and more trials are to come and you search for hope and peace when you see a hand reach out to walk with you until the end and guide you and comfort you. The road seems suddenly less scary, dark, and cold. You have help.

We all face hardships and trials of various severity that are real, scary, and unknown. I really struggle with the unknown on "my road." I just want to know what is in front of me and at the end, I feel so lost as to what my future looks like because right now I can't even go there. Will I be in a semi-functional state forever? Will I get better and have to make decisions about jobs again? so much is unknown and I am learning that God has his hands reached out for us, to guide and walk with us as we each walk our roads and face the gravel as it comes. I really don't like my road right now but there is no turning back, I have to press on all while holding the hand of God and just keep on walking.

Isaiah 41:10-
fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


  1. Thank God we don't have to walk alone. Continued prayers...

  2. I really appreciate it! So true. I am so glad God doesn't change, with how unpredictable this syndrome is it is comforting to know my help will never leave.
