Tuesday, April 21, 2015

hospitals and unpredictabe days

spending 4 nights in the hospital is plenty for me! I am so glad to be home. My nervous system went psychotic leaving me with urinary retention and let me just say that is a whole new level of uncomfortable. I have never been so happy to pee in my life! I am glad that God listened to my plethora of prayers involving pee and He took that burden from me.

I have had a migraine ever since Thursday as well and I was put on IV steroids, pain meds, and a few other IV meds to try to get it under control, I am now at a level 5 of pain vs. a level 7 like it has been so that is an answer to prayer.

The worst part of all of this is how unpredictable it is. I never know what and when something in my body will just fail so, it is like always walking on eggshells, and waiting for the next ball to drop. I am blessed to have such a support system in my life, I don't know where I would be without all of you.

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