Thursday, April 9, 2015

Test Results

I know a lot of people have been asking about my test results and all I have heard about is the MRI. EEG and EKG are pending but I will hopefully find out today or tomorrow. The MRI came back clear (Thank God) but that's not the main tests that they wanted for my symptoms because they could be seizure activity and/or a heart related long QT interval. A long QT interval is basically my heart takes pauses, I have had this 3 times throughout my life thus far so who knows what my body is doing right now but I am still dealing with the involuntary limb and face movements and twitches, voice slurring, saying the wrong words, collapsing and dropping things.

I will let everyone know as soon as I know anything. If all tests are normal than they are going to look into my pharmacy of heart and BP meds to look for a side effect issues.

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