Thursday, April 21, 2016

It always has to be's what I do.

mmmm yesterday. Let me vent about yesterday.

Sometimes I just need to go back to bed and pretend days didn't happen. I legit have the worst "luck" ever. I have life witnesses that see it all go down. It's true.

 1. I missed my doctor appointment yesterday because I got the time wrong.
 2. I then had an experience with the worst waitress I have ever encountered.
 3. I hate rain. It rained.
4.  My kitty had to go back to the vet for like the 4th time and has a UTI so he got an antibiotic injection and they are going to culture his urine to see what the bacteria is composed of. It could be that as the kidney stones and sludge is breaking down from his new diet; the breaking down process can cause UTI's because at the center of all these things is bacteria.
5.  Also, he might be antibiotic resistant and that's why he isn't getting better while on antibiotics thus the culture to test which antibiotic works.
6.  $$$$$$. Now I got a cat to avoid paying so many vet bills like you do with dogs. Didn't work out in my favor.
7. dropped my credit card in a puddle under the car, in front of the wheel,  thank you Jesus for the BFF finding it.
8. Cat pooped in his carrier. In the car. while it was raining. windows had to be opened because fumes. Wet car.
9. my nurse broke off a piece of my feeding tube adaptor. I called the doctor and spoke with the clueless nurse who couldn't understand that JUST the adaptor that comes on and off needs replaced.

 She thinks the whole thing will need to be replaced soooo at 12 I have to go to the surgery center to decided what needs to be done. Even if the ENTIRE thing needs replaced she said it doesn't require sedation. psshh please. This whole thing removed without anesthesia. uhhh no. As you can see it is just that little spot that says adapter that needs changed.

 it's a hole in my body, no sedation for the entire thing removed. I need smart humans to deal with my issues. So that is going to be my afternoon today. Oh goody. Just what I wanted to do.

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