Wednesday, April 27, 2016

meet me in despair

"Just Say Jesus
Whisper it now, or shout it out
However it comes out, He hears your cry
Out of nowhere He will come-you got to believe it
He will rescue you
Just call out to the Way, The Truth, The Life"-just say Jesus

Some days are just hard. I am so thankful that He will still come to our rescue when we don't have words. I know He uses this trial to help and show love and it's for my own good but it is hard to imagine how this situation could be for good. I can't imagine it but it happens anyway. Resting in the unchanging character of my God to save us and not condemn us is not easy. Should be but it's not. So far today, I am not doing so great at it but grace beyond my comprehension was laid out for me on a cross and He will meet me where I am.

I was thinking about the fact that He willingly meets us where we are and how incredible that fact is. That didn't just happen when He was fully man and on the physical earth, it happens now, it happens today, it will always happen. He loves us enough to meet us in our sin, heartache, and tears. He meets me in my despair when He doesn't have to. Have you ever walked alongside of someone in despair? It is hard because we don't want to hear it, we don't want to be brought down and shown the fallen world and it's people, we want to continue pretending that life is 50 kinds of peachy. Sitting with someone in tears because of the hand they have been dealt and trying to comfort them is just hard on the heart and nobody enjoys it.

Love. It's love that makes this hard. We don't want to see despair because we are capable of love and compassion. Now, take the person you love the most and imagine holding them as there world falls to pieces. Take that love and magnify it by 20,000 and then imagine the heartache. This is how much Jesus loves each and everyone of us, He walks alongside ALL OF US in our despair. The heartache is unimaginable. The kicker is that He doesn't have too, He could stay in His world free of pain, sorrow and tears but He doesn't. He meets us where we are anyway. He takes on the heartache without a thought of regret or a desire to turn away and pretend it isn't happening. It's the entire fallen worlds despair at once and continuous. It's continual grace and mercy. We aren't even capable of that because SOMEBODY JUST HAD TO HAVE AN ATTITUDE. Ahem. One day the attitude will be crushed and the world healed and He will no longer have to endure the heartache because those who believe will be right next to Him. Trust me, you want to be there and not with Mr. superiority and all that comes with a superiority complex. Ick. 

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