Friday, April 8, 2016

the end times dream

I had the oddest dream I think I have ever had on Saturday but it has given me so much comfort in my little world of unknown crisis. I am going to attempt to explain it.

I was with a group of believers in the woods hiking to a waterfall and all of a sudden the ground shook. Whoa earthquake of major proportions. Except not. The ground then begin to crack everywhere separating the people I was with from each other and we panicked as we looked around. At that moment we realized this was more than an earthquake and instant peace came over all those who believe as we watched unbelievers panic as they started falling to there death's in the giant cracks in the ground. You could barely hear the fearful screams as the ground continued to shake, violently. Amidst the terrified screamed those who believe had complete peace. No sense of sadness or compassion for those who where dying. It was like we could see the justification for it. We had only peace and oddly a sense of excitement as we realized this was it. What we have been waiting for.

Trees began falling everywhere killing thousands but never touching one believer. Instead of being  fearful we stood in awe and watched the pure power of Jesus as He returned like He promised. All of a sudden the trees stopped crashing to the ground and the earth stopped cracking and all that could be seen was a bright white light and angle wings. It was an angel with wings more massive than I ever would have imagined. We listened as he spoke to the unbelievers and said that God has chosen to have mercy and give those who refuse to believe one last chance out of pure grace. Just as quickly as the angel appeared he was gone. When all the earth movements and crashes stopped you could really hear the screams of terror. It was like nothing I've ever heard before. Constant shrilling and an obvious sense of fear like no other. (also, everyone knew and believed in heaven and hell.)

We carefully went around sharing the fact that they can be saved. The angel just said it. We stood amazed at the pure refusal and argumentative statements that these people who we were trying to save had. We where in shock thinking that surely in this moment that all would turn and believe given what they had witnessed but the majority refused. We knew they were going to hell but instead of having deep sadness over it like we do now it was  accepted as a justifiable fact that contained no sorrow. This went on for at least 30 minutes. All of a sudden the loudest burst of thunder roared from the sky as it turned pure black and you could only see by the light given of by the lightning that was striking the earth and individual people. The rain poured followed by hail the size of cars. The lightning and hail were killing off the unbelievers faster than we could comprehend.

The amazing thing is yes, we as believers were a part of this BUT not one piece of hail or lightning ever struck us. The earth started to crumble all around us and all of a sudden we were encompassed by a white light brighter than anything I have ever seen or heard of and the shrill screams of horror stopped and all that could be heard was "for it is by grace you have been saved"

Then I woke up. Like stunned. I literally laid there thinking about it for a good 30 minutes and the more I think about it the more excited I get. I am ready to go home where I belong. This earth is not and never will be my true home. For anyone that reads this please reach out. I am not saying my dream is even close to how anything is going to go down, God did not directly speak to me, I am not crazy, it is just a dream. A dream with a meaning. Don't wait. You can be saved. It is not too late but it could become too late if you do not seek the God, who created the earth, created you, and has the world in his hands. He ordains your days, you don't so please reach out to Him. If you do I promise you will find Him.

12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.[e] 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[f] 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”[g]
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.--John 3:12-18

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