Friday, April 1, 2016

I deserve my chronic illness

Now that you are paying attention, it's truth. Sometimes I sit back and I look back on my life and the trials I have and continue to wrestle with and just ponder. Pondering can be good and bad depending on my vulnerability to the enemy at the time. Jesus strength comes through when Satan is overshadowed by God. mmm what power. God loves us enough to use His powers to rescue us when we are minions without brains. ( just go with it. Brain cells die off)

Back to God, when I say that I deserve my chronic illness people instantly switch gears and will say everything possible to change my mind. Especially believers. Just stop for a second and think on a deeper level. I have deserved all of this. You deserve every hardship in your life. None of us deserve to even be alive. None of us deserve to have our wrongs made right and sins washed away. We don't deserve to have Jesus help us and walk this weary road of life together with us. I don't deserve to not have my illness or to not be left alone in the battle.

The minute you start thinking you deserve anything, you are on sinking sand because basically you are saying that you don't need Jesus. The only deliverance we have is found in Jesus. His life. His death. His rising. When we who deserves nothing is made worthy of anything through the grace of God's precious gift, it's a miracle. So, yes, I deserve my chronic illness and you deserve every trial in this life but redemption and blood can wash away everything we deserve and make us whole. That is our God. That is what He came to this earth to do. He came to clean. He gives us our way out of what we deserve but this does not change the fact that we deserved it in the first place. THAT IS grace and mercy and love, such love.

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