Sunday, May 1, 2016


Music and lyrics just have a way of reaching my soul like nothing else.  I reached the point months ago where watching the tv with it's flashes and stuff overstimulates me to where I have to turn it off and reading is getting harder as everything blurs together. This is where music comes into play. Not only does it provide mild entertainment but it keeps me focused on God. It is kinda hard not to focus on Him when that is what you surround yourself with.

I am really one of "those" country music fan sorta people but there is an obvious disconnect and change in my emotions when this is all I listen too. I find myself crying more, loosing hope, and turning away from God. It is just how life works, you will always be influenced by what is around you. If drinking, sex, lies and relying on fallen people for your every need is how you choose to live your life, your soul will be downcast. Hope and peace is not found in any of that. It's really a perfect recipe for disaster. If I surround myself with things of this world then that is exactly what I will receive, things of this broken, cruel world. I have had my own share of that world and it can drop you to your knees incredibly fast and leave you searching for a way out.


There is a way out available to you though but it is a ONE way, no through street drive. I am the worst at navigation, always have been. My dad could probably tell you many stories of me calling him because I am lost. I have a tendency to believe that "this different road will lead me to the same place as my usual route". Wrong. So wrong. I remember one time, late at night,  I ended up in a gated community and I pulled into a driveway to call my dad and the neighbor just stared at me the whole time and then he went and got a flashlight and started walking up to my big, blue, falling apart mini van as my dad and I were trying to figure out where I was at and how to get home. Talk about feeling vulnerable! I rolled down my window just a crack so I could hear the man as he asked me who I was and informed me that I need to get out of the community right NOW. I told him I was lost but he would not help me and repeated the part where I need to exit the subdivision right NOW.

I did. Really quickly. Still lost but I didn't feel like a standing target as I drove around, trying to find a street that I was familiar with or really any intersection names that my dad could google map. Eventually, I made it home where a feeling of safety, and comfort hit me the minute I saw my house. I may have balled my eyes out when I arrived there because I knew that could have gone another way. When you stray from a "safe" path, you are left out in the open, exposed and vulnerable to attack. This life is a really long path and we can choose how curvy, narrow, or trafficked this road is. Through the cross, I have no fear of the end of the path, I know exactly what awaits me in the distance but I don't know how each step and construction of said path will lead, as I journey to get there. It is my choices that make up the concrete that composes this path and satan is like the clueless construction worker that can destroy everything with one move. I am so thankful for a God that can restore everything with one WORD when WE CHOOSE to call out to Him.

p.s- GPS's save lives. Legit.

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