Monday, July 27, 2015

Chatham Bible Church

I am feeling so blessed to have such a support system in my life. Chatham Bible Church will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. They walked the journey with me in the past and they are still walking right there as I battle for life again. The love and compassion that I received will never be forgotten and I stand amazed at how eager everyone is to help me in any way possible. They will bring me to doctors appointments and sit out in the waiting room (where nobody wants to be. yay so much fun!)with a selfless attitude.

Chatham has changed a lot lately and when the process first began I was so upset because church was supposed to be the only stagnant thing in my life. When my health was spiraling out of my control, I relied on the stability of the church. Well, God has a way of focusing us on what HE wants. I learned to rely on God, not church, not people, but God. He is the only thing that will NEVER change. I am amazed at how God worked through Chatham and what He continues to do in the hearts and souls of everyone.

I haven't even been able to make it to church in a long time but I feel the love and compassion in my soul to a whole different level since the changes, I really feel like people care and I think the "life is always happy' fake face is being lost, opening us up to a whole new level of companionship and comfort that we could never see before. When you face trials, even the simplest things are a big deal. They can make or break you if you let them. I cannot even say how uplifted my soul was when a group of people came to my house and prayed with me and sang hymns. Not only did I feel the love of the body of Christ but it pulled me back towards Jesus.

Bringing people to Jesus whether as new believers or old ones that veered off the track and need help getting back is what we are meant to do and I just want to say that I think the changes are pulling us toward God everyday as He continues to work in our hearts.

I am truly thankful for this group of people God has given me. Thank you to those of you that support me in any form.

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