Friday, July 24, 2015

Prayer Requests

As you know my body has a mind of it's own but I have some dilemmas and issues that I would appreciate prayers for:

1. That I will find a good rheumatologist because the one they referred me to can't see me for a month and considering my inflammation levels in my body are triple what they should be I really don't want to wait that long. SSM only has ONE rheumatologist so, I could use guidance as I start looking elsewhere.

2. I have been passing out more lately due to malnutrition and I am waiting to get a CT scan but my GI Dr has to talk to the neurologist to ensure I can do oral contrast with my faulty nervous system. It has been over a week and they still haven't spoke. I would like to start up physical therapy again but the dietician will not let me until I have a feeding tube. I told the GI Dr that but he wants a CT which is fine but please pray that it will all get sorted soon and I can't start to go forward.

3. back to the passing out issues: my blood is extremely thin right now so please pray that if I pass out I do not injure myself in any way.

4. Lastly, for my emotional state, I feel trapped and frustrated with everything right now. I want answers and help and Jesus's peace.

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