Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Love and valentines day!

I admit, I am a valentine's day hater. So many reasons why. You should love your spouse everyday, I know that is what everybody says and its a cheesy thing but so true. Both genders should feel loved before they go to sleep every night. We are not guaranteed tomorrow or 5 seconds from now. You might not have a valentines day to celebrate because it could be ripped from you in a blink of an eye, we only have one life to live and to love.
 I am speaking from a side that cannot relate at all to being in a relationship, let alone a marriage but when you speak from this side it comes from what you have seen. I couldn't even tell you the lessons I have learned about love by watching love build itself in a relationship but also watching it crumble and cause so much hurt. I have witnessed so many non Christ centered relationships fall to pieces. You see if you leave Christ- who is love- out of your relationship then how do you actually have love to sustain your relationship? It's not true love.
True love. What does that look like anyway? We have the best example ever known of pure, true, holy love. God chose to allow his own son to be killed for our wrongs even though Jesus knew no wrong. So most know the physical aspect of Jesus's death but it goes so far beyond that. When Jesus took the bullet for us he took on every SINGLE thing we would and have EVER done wrong on himself to the point where his own father couldn't even look at him anymore. Think about it, you are not only told constant negative things and being blamed over and over and over times a billion even though you didn't do it. We are quick to lie and say we didn't do it because nobody wants to feel the guilt and shame that makes your heart drop when we say we did it in honesty because we did.
Jesus. He chose to take on all the guilt and shame and heart drops of the entire world and He truly didn't "do it". any of it. WE DID. His own dad couldn't even LOOK at him due to what WE DID. That is love. True, holy, perfect love. A love that can only be felt by His death. We get to feel and experience this love because He chose to give it to us and it can ONLY be found in Him. Not in your relationships, people rely on there relationships to make them feel loved and it is a failing, imperfect and potentially harmful love without Jesus. news flash: your significant other will fail you. a lot. Hurt will come. If you take Jesus out of this relationship the hurt will build up and leave you shattered. A Jesus focused relationship allows us to experience true love and build our relationships on this perfect love that will never fail. When the hurt comes (because it will.) you have Jesus to mend and mold if you focus on Him and let Him in. Jesus binds your marriage and your heart.
What foundation are you building your love on? I have learned that this question is critical to any and all relationships. I can only pray that some day, in God's timing I will have a marriage based on true love. In the meantime, you can find your self worth in THE ONE who made and died for you, ALL in love.

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